Snow Conditions

at Ski Sapphire Valley

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Call 828-743-7663 for additional information
and any last minute changes.

It is all about the weather! Ski Sapphire does have the latest in snow making technology! 

Ski Sapphire Snow System

About Ski Sapphire Valley snow making: The resort installed a completely new system during the 2017-2018 summer season. Each of the HALO snowmakers have their one computer and weather station to optimize snow output! All we need is cold weather and we can bury the mountain!

Did you know....some of the first snow guns at Ski Sapphire Valley were hand made. Metal, galvanized plumbing pipe was assembled with a water and air intake and then a reducing nozzle helped atomize the flow!

Ski Sapphire Snow Making

The basics of snowmaking...Ski Sapphire Valley still uses a few of these ground based guns but most of the snow is made with the HALOs! Ski Sapphire Valley pulls hundreds of thousands of gallons of water out of the Horsepasture River and returns it almost daily as melting snow!

Ski Sapphire hours of operations can change at the last minute due to weather conditions!

Think Cold! Think Snow!

ski sapphire valley  © Copyright 2008 - High South Ventures, LLC - All Rights Reserved

*This web site and the others listed are part of the High South Media Network.
We are part of the founding family of Sapphire Valley.
This web site is not associated with Capital Vacations, Diamond Resorts, Wyndham, Sapphire Valley Master Association, nor any other HOA. We provide independent multi-media content, news, vacation rental portals, and real estate services to everyone! All information believed to be correct but not guaranteed.
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'Sapphire Valley' - This name was created in 1954 by the Howerdd Family / High South Ventures, LLC
"Ski Sapphire" and " Ski Sapphire Valley" created in 1964 by Gene Howerdd, Jr
**The Sapphire Country: learn more about this at History of Sapphire